علي فايز
YouNeSs ZiT
8 مشترك
29/06/14, 05:10 am
~and they drove to the fairy doctor’s surgery
~and when they got there they sat in the waiting room for a while,
waiting for the fairy doctor to come out
~and when she came out she said “hello Susana ~and what’s the matter with you?”
~and Susana said “oh, doctor, my leg hurts, ~and I can’t walk properly”
~and the doctor said “well come into my office ~and lie down on the bed
~and we’ll see what we can do”. So Susana lay down on the bed
~and the fairy doctor started to feel her left leg (massage, massage, prod, prod)
~and she worked her way from the thigh right down to the foot ~and up again
~and then she said “no, that’s not the leg, it must be the other leg”
~and she went to the right leg
~and she worked her way from the thigh right down to the foot ~and up again
~and then she said “I know what the problem is, the problem is ~~~ the knee”
~and so she went fiddle, fiddle, fiddle, prod, prod, prod massage, massage, massage
~~~~~~ CLICK ~and Susana “doctor, doctor, my leg doesn’t hurt anymore”
~and the fairy doctor said “get down off the bed ~and walk across the room”
~and Susana walked across the room ~and she didn’t limp
~and she rushed over to the fairy doctor and she gave her a big kiss
~and she said “doctor, doctor, thank you for making my leg all better “
~and the magic doctor said “it was a pleasure, come back any time”.
~and Susana ~and her mummy ~and her daddy got back in the car ~and they drove home
~and when they got home Susana had a lovely warm bath
~and got into her lovely warm pyjamas
~and she had some lovely warm supper
~and then, she practiced walking, ~and she walked from the telly to the sofa
~and from the computer to the dining room table
~and her leg didn’t hurt ~and she could walk properly
~and then she went to bed
~and she went straight to sleep because she was very tired
~and it had been a very long day
~and that’s the end of the story
~and they all lived happily ever after
~and now
~and when they got there they sat in the waiting room for a while,
waiting for the fairy doctor to come out
~and when she came out she said “hello Susana ~and what’s the matter with you?”
~and Susana said “oh, doctor, my leg hurts, ~and I can’t walk properly”
~and the doctor said “well come into my office ~and lie down on the bed
~and we’ll see what we can do”. So Susana lay down on the bed
~and the fairy doctor started to feel her left leg (massage, massage, prod, prod)
~and she worked her way from the thigh right down to the foot ~and up again
~and then she said “no, that’s not the leg, it must be the other leg”
~and she went to the right leg
~and she worked her way from the thigh right down to the foot ~and up again
~and then she said “I know what the problem is, the problem is ~~~ the knee”
~and so she went fiddle, fiddle, fiddle, prod, prod, prod massage, massage, massage
~~~~~~ CLICK ~and Susana “doctor, doctor, my leg doesn’t hurt anymore”
~and the fairy doctor said “get down off the bed ~and walk across the room”
~and Susana walked across the room ~and she didn’t limp
~and she rushed over to the fairy doctor and she gave her a big kiss
~and she said “doctor, doctor, thank you for making my leg all better “
~and the magic doctor said “it was a pleasure, come back any time”.
~and Susana ~and her mummy ~and her daddy got back in the car ~and they drove home
~and when they got home Susana had a lovely warm bath
~and got into her lovely warm pyjamas
~and she had some lovely warm supper
~and then, she practiced walking, ~and she walked from the telly to the sofa
~and from the computer to the dining room table
~and her leg didn’t hurt ~and she could walk properly
~and then she went to bed
~and she went straight to sleep because she was very tired
~and it had been a very long day
~and that’s the end of the story
~and they all lived happily ever after
~and now
- YouNeSs ZiT
- عدد المساهمات : 1623
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/08/2012
نقاط النشاط : 6202
السٌّمعَة : 0
29/06/14, 05:11 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
- ايوب
- عدد المساهمات : 1342
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/06/2014
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/10/1997
المزاج : الحمد الله
نقاط النشاط : 5341
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 27
29/06/14, 05:26 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
- علي فايز
- عدد المساهمات : 618
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2013
نقاط النشاط : 4881
السٌّمعَة : 0
29/06/14, 06:36 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
- FlasH G!F
- عدد المساهمات : 97
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/12/2012
تاريخ الميلاد : 26/05/1998
المزاج : رايق
نقاط النشاط : 4463
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 26
29/06/14, 06:39 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
- **saad**
- عدد المساهمات : 1375
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2012
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/01/1999
المزاج : lfs;ù
نقاط النشاط : 5816
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 25
29/06/14, 06:39 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
- ربيعو
- عدد المساهمات : 2023
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2012
تاريخ الميلاد : 23/07/1997
المزاج : رايق
نقاط النشاط : 7083
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 27
29/06/14, 06:40 am
موضوع رائع بوركت
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