هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
عدد المساهمات : 237
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2013
نقاط النشاط : 4416
السٌّمعَة : 0

Anthrax Empty Anthrax

03/07/13, 05:07 pm

began outbreaks of disease anthrax in the United States until there was
fear and panic every community in America the likelihood of biological
warfare them as there was panic around the world.

What is anthrax? Infection and how to do? And how to cure? What are the ways to prevent it? Is it a fatal disease?

If it is anthrax?

is a disease that usually affects herbivores such as cows, goats and
sheep and is transmitted to infect humans either by touching an infected
animal or the result of eating one of its products and cause the
transmission of anthrax from animals to humans and the microbe stick
figure form 1 and a positive interaction with Gram laboratory as It microbes Båge "any able to take cover in a thick layer around the composition"

world's hut in 1877, first described the occurrence of the disease due
to this organism has disappeared this disease from America, Europe and
Australia, where was the elimination of this organism in the farm animal
through campaigns and programs veterinary containing animal vaccination
against it, but until that time spoke a few cases so in Asia and Africa.

How to infection:

a result of touching an infected animal as wool or skin or bones,
especially if the body had scratches or the result of eating one of its
products is not well cooked or the result of His law biting fly or
animals fed on carrion or the result of patient breathing organism from
the air.

microbe stick form and is capable of movement and a positive Gram Båge
and length of about 8 micrometers and width of micrometer one, and you
can life for years in soil or in one of the products of animals and
bears spores temperatures, devotes himself to heating up and in the cold
and can grow in the laboratory at 37 ° C, and consists which
sets a flat surface and under the microscope appears in the form of
chains parallel and identical in form to the coaches of a train rail
iron form 1 and disperse between them and the microbes Anthrax
"unsatisfactory" injected into the organism in mice, leading to the
death of these mice during the day to three days for the bacteria,
pathological, due adverse impact to the ability of these microbes to secrete toxins, which are spread in the body through the blood.

have been able to draw Louis Pasteur vaccine for immunization against
anthrax in 1881 and was the first vaccine was then known world Spetrn in
1939 and good of this vaccine, which is used to now.

Ail the prevalence and extent of:

endemic diseases in animals, African and Asian countries are not poor
veterinary programs have already released Café, which leads to the
emergence of some cases in humans and discover the world between two
thousand to 200 thousand cases per year.

the United States did not detect since 1970 only four cases, but most
of these detected cases come from Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Haiti and has
been a spread of the epidemic suddenly of anthrax in Zimbabwe between
1978 m and 1980 m, and the 10 wounded thousands of patients, which led
to the death about one hundred of them and the spread of the epidemic occurred last in Siberia in 1979.

Symptoms of the disease:

Disease may infect the skin and the respiratory system or gastrointestinal tract.

Cutaneous anthrax:

for 95% of cases, after the incubation period of from one day to five
days, the disease begins to emerge in the form of rashes Figure 2 and
turns rash to vesicle "pimple" containing a viscous liquid filled with
microbes and infects this rash usually parties such as the hand, arm,
face, neck and back ,
then turn sac to the ulcer are usually circular diameter between 1-3 cm
surmounted by vesicles small, then start peeling the black to emerge in
central ulcer and within weeks separated the crust and fall leaving a
permanent scar place, and these blisters may be accompanied by Behrh
severe and swelling around it, and can cause severe
swelling to very low blood pressure, and then death, and pimples
associated with this high degree of heat, and severe body wasting and
muscle pain with headache, and be accompanied by swelling of the lymph
nodes near the injury site.

such cases, leather rarely death occurs if the patient was treated
quickly, but if left or delay in treatment, the death rate up to 25% of
these cases.

these cases can be diagnosed easily in areas infested by taking a
sample of this pimples and examined under a microscope we see microbes
as aforesaid.

Anthrax woe of the respiratory system:

accounted for 5% of cases and usually crumpled killer It is difficult
to diagnose, and this type of injury is dependent upon the biological
warfare placed where the microbe in the form can be inhaled easily
"within the messages of powder contaminated or without powder" and even
if the person taking the patient's treatment , the inevitably of death to come, as the diagnosis often takes time to disease may be managed from the patient.

an incubation period of days to a week starts with the onset of illness
with symptoms of influenza-like regular high body temperature, and
wasting very body and muscle aches and cough without secretions then
equal the patient to heal and then quickly begin second phase of the
disease from difficulty breathing and cyanosis and hemorrhage of the
lung and then breathlessness
and chest pain and swelling of the zones, chest and neck, and then
followed by a severe drop in blood pressure and death in two days of the
onset of illness, even with the use of treatment for this disease and
the mortality rate of up to 80-100% of cases.

Anthrax woe for the digestive system:

is also rare and difficult to diagnose after the incubation period of
two to five days, symptoms begin to severe pain abdominal and hemorrhage
of the esophagus and diarrhea bloody great and then begins to rain and
be bloody, and then happen very low blood pressure and death and the
percentage of deaths to 75% of cases infected .

How to Diagnosis

case of ember leather takes a sample of the sac and examined under a
microscope to show the microbe, while the cases of the respiratory
system, it is difficult to diagnose, but in areas known to pre-emergence
conditions and then the work of rays on the chest, we find the breadth
Palmdiastinm and the presence of infiltration on the lung and then take a
sample of the patient's blood and examined, we find the microbe or antibodies to it.

cases of gastrointestinal tract is difficult to diagnosis but also in
areas known to pre-emergence and the emergence of patients with the
blood of the patient strain or the presence of antibodies to it or take a
sample of the water and the presence of ascites by the microbe.

How to Cure:

million units penicillin of water every 6 hours for 10 days after the
disappearance of symptoms or ciprofloxacin 500 mg every 12 hours, or
"Arthurocn" of patients with allergy to penicillin and in cases of
swelling is given "cortisone" in the form of tablets or injections, and
in cases of suffocation is the work of construction of bronchodilator .

How to prevent:

prevent the spread of the disease must bury the infected animals after
burning and the vaccination of animals in areas infested, and to the
veterinarians and factory workers who deal with products of these
animals from the skin of the dairy, meat and bones in endemic areas do,
is also recommended to wear gloves and masks to those employees and
cooking meat thoroughly before eating, and treatment scratch any body for any worker exposed to before touching the animals in these areas.

It is important to know that this disease is not contagious from person to person, injured another.

Is this disease is fatal to those who injured him?

the person the disease early and took the patient the appropriate
treatment, the death rate drops in cutaneous anthrax from 20% to 1% of
the cases, the fall in the anthrax, which affects the digestive system
from 75% to 25-50% of cases, the fall in anthrax infect the respiratory system from 100% to 80% of cases
عدد المساهمات : 45060
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/08/2012
تاريخ الميلاد : 23/07/1997
المزاج : رايق
نقاط النشاط : 108100
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 27
مدير مميز

Anthrax Empty رد: Anthrax

03/07/13, 06:00 pm
موضوع في قمة الروعه يسلمو ع الطرح
الدولة العثمانية
الدولة العثمانية
عدد المساهمات : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2013
نقاط النشاط : 4122
السٌّمعَة : 0

Anthrax Empty رد: Anthrax

08/07/13, 10:36 am
 موضوع رااااااااااااائع
شكرا لك علي هذا الطرح المميز
عدد المساهمات : 852
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2013
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/03/1998
المزاج :  
نقاط النشاط : 5116
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 26

Anthrax Empty رد: Anthrax

23/07/13, 05:51 pm
يسلموو ع الطرح الرائع
بانتظار جديدك
ودي لك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة
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