هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
عدد المساهمات : 237
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2013
نقاط النشاط : 4416
السٌّمعَة : 0

Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment Empty Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment

03/07/13, 05:06 pm
Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment

Types of obesity

Obesity back to the basic structure of the body

is spreading among women, especially as obesity is also linked to the
surrounding environmental conditions, and this obesity could be disposed
of muscular effort to make a quiet, continuous, as well as by following
a special diet eating food in the range of 1300-1600 calories.

Obesity linked to psychological factors

people increase their weight significantly when exposed to trauma,
either because of the motivation to eat greedily or unusual because of
an imbalance in the nervous system. Increase in weight occur for several reasons. Such
as eating several meals, or loss of confidence in the wife or husband,
divorce, death of a dear, trouble on the job - exposure to financial

Obesity because of the circumstances of the profession

show a clear distinction between members of certain professions linked
to the full Botaab food, such as butchers working in restaurants where
there in front of them delicacies food without borders, where it is
impossible for them to imagine social and professional life without the
enjoyment of those meals fun, and these can be treated with restraint
and non-slip involvement in addressing These fatty meals without an officer.

Childhood obesity

And those associated with food habits in the family. Do
not try to get rid of your actions reckless and throwing
unsubstantiated accusations that there is an imbalance in the glands,
and I know that insulin is the hormone which only intervenes in the
manufacture of fat. (The
pancreas is responsible for the secretion of insulin) in the absence of
insulin does not happen any burning of fat inside the cell. Interfere with insulin in all phases of fat metabolism as follows: helps the glucose combustion of the cell. Contributes to the conversion to fatty acids. Headstrong inhibits the enzyme responsible for the demolition of fat. Equivalent
effect of cortisone and other chemicals produced by the body's adrenal
gland and the nerve cells responsible for dissolving fat.

Causes of obesity

Obesity due to inactivity and laziness

Quite simply .. The
most important reason make you fat, you're dealing with large amounts
of food, high-calorie, much larger than your daily, day after day .. Month after month .. And accumulates year after year, this food to excess body fat .. And become you, O poor obesity. And
quality of food here, have an important role in obesity-injury, Foods
rich in sugars and starches, and fats have a high calorie diet, and have
the ability to quickly store body fat in your body. * Inactivity .. Laziness .. Lack of movement .. Stay long in front of the TV .. The second reason is the injury in obesity. More than 65% of cases of obesity, it was found that they have little activity, and movement. This
explains the mystery of the prevalence of obesity significantly in the
community-level social and economic high, with frequent use of cars and
elevators to move, and frequently the use of washing machines, vacuum
cleaners, power tools indoors .. All of this activity and the extent of human movement, the result is the prevalence of obesity, and weight gain. These are the main reasons that you fat.

Obesity and Genetics

There are several factors inherited from parents of children such as: * increase the number of fat cells than normal. * Areas of distribution of body fat Ctozaaha in the buttocks, and abdomen. * The sons inherited a fat imbalance in chemical reactions, which result in increased accumulation of body fat. * The ability to inherit the lack of consumption of fat and broken. *
Some inherit the changes in certain hormones to the body, such as: the
increase in the secretion of the hormone insulin, which in turn leads to
increased formation and accumulation of fat in the body. * There are the sons inherit the binge eating of parents. * And others inherit laziness, drowsiness, and lack of movement from their parents.

Glands and hormones and obesity

Stick a lot of people to charge obese disorders of the glands, hormones .. This accusation is incorrect in most cases. But
these people want to escape from reality, as most cases of obesity
resulting from excess ingestion of foods with high calories, and to
laziness and lack of movement. I like to make it clear .. That
the glands malfunction, hormone disorders and no more than its role in
causing obesity to 5% of the total people living with obesity.

Problems of obesity

Obesity, high blood pressure

Studies say that there is a relationship between obesity, high blood pressure .. Obesity is a risk factors for hypertension. Some studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between the degree of obesity, high blood pressure. And
the role of obesity, high blood pressure, due to several reasons: in
cases of obesity, especially obesity rumen, increased rate of secretion
of the hormone insulin, blood, and this increase will help in the
rebound and the storage component of sodium to the body, leading to high
pressure also works insulin to increase fat , which increases the opportunity for the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Obesity,
and the large number of carbohydrates, sugars, increase insulin
secretion, increasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system,
which in turn leads to increased secretion of hormones - noradrenaline
-, causing high pressure. With
obesity, increased hormone cortisone, and aldosterone, is known for
these two hormones that they increase the storage component of sodium to
the body, thus increasing high pressure.

Obesity and cardiovascular disease

most important complications that may be caused by obesity in the heart
and arteries are: enlargement of the left ventricle, and right,
especially in cases of obesity, and obesity rumen. Weaknesses of the heart muscle, and the possibility of landing the heart, and (Tripe same) for the least effort. Hardening
of the arteries, especially coronary artery, with the opportunity to
increase the occurrence of angina pectoris, stroke and heart.

Obesity and joint pain

Frequent complaint, the joint pain associated with obesity, and weight gain. . Fat
person feels severe pains in the joints, especially the knee joints and
feet as a result of overload them, and unfortunately, most of the types
of treatments do not work in reducing this pain. A large number of quail, especially with Erh, complaining about severe pain down the back. When
testing, the different rays on these joints, we find that Gdharifaa has
suffered infections, and roughness, and comes to collect large
quantities of fluid within the joints. It is noteworthy here to point out that (gout) is increasing in incidence quail, released in persons with normal weight.

Tripe obesity and self-

of not a few percentage of fat, especially with excessive Basmna some
of the symptoms such as: narrow, fast breathing when doing minimal
effort. (Tripe self), especially when lying down on the back. Stop breathing for brief moments, especially during sleep. Lack of oxygen in the blood, high in the rate of carbon dioxide, causing the permanent tendency to sleep, and headaches.

Obesity and gallstones

confirm that there is a clear relationship between obesity, infections
and gallstones, especially in women with recurrent pregnancy. The
researchers attributed this to: increase the secretion of the hormone
estrogen, as a result of obesity, and frequent pregnancies, and this
hormone in turn leads to high blood cholesterol, which leads to
increased storage, and deposited on the wall of gall bladder, forming
stones bitterness, and the inflammatory. Food containing fat are usually high in fat, and cholesterol, a key element in the formation of gallstones.

Obesity and diabetes

Yes .. There
is a relationship between them, the vast majority of research says that
80% of diabetics suffer obesity, and that nearly 20% of the quail are
susceptible to diabetes. The
researchers explained the reason for this relationship as follows:
There is an inverse relationship between the number of fat cells, and
size, and the number of insulin receptors on the cell wall, and these
receptors are responsible for the entry of glucose from the blood into
the cell, due to the hormone insulin .. This
means that increasing the number and size of fat cells the body is
accompanied by a lack of receptors, and an increase in any blood glucose
(diabetes). It also found that there is a relationship between obesity and the occurrence of defect in the insulin receptor. The
heavy consumption of starches and sugars, which are used by quail
increase the secretion of insulin, causing stress to the pancreas gland,
which subsequently unable to secrete enough insulin. It should be noted that these complications are frequent cases of obesity in the chest and abdomen (belly). Increased
intake of fat in the diet of fat increases the fatty acids in blood,
causing an increase in resistance to entry of glucose from the blood to
the cell .. Rises in blood. Hence it is clear that the relationship between obesity and strong, and increased blood glucose, and the emergence of diabetes.

Obesity and varicose veins

sometimes be accompanied by congestion in the veins of the legs, and
this is what is known (varicose legs), varicose veins and this may be
accompanied by pain, sores and infections .. With less than this weight loss by a large varicose veins.

Obesity and the skin

falls prey to obesity fungi, which are spread between the folds of his
skin, especially under the armpits, breasts, and between the thighs .. And helps to increase the spread of these fungi in the folds of skin fat, and lots of sweating caused by obesity. The most common fungi, fungus (Monilia), which causes skin redness, itching (itching) in the areas of deployment. Abound, as well as abscesses, and bacterial infections, and the fierceness of the Nile quail skin.

Treatment of obesity

Get rid of obesity

Dieting food with calories inhalers, and limited in the amount of sugars and starches, and fats .. This
is the most powerful weapons, and the best means to treat obesity, God
says: (.. and eat and drink: But waste not by extravagance that he does
not like). [Custom: 31]. Also attendance at exercise in the outdoors, especially hiking and away from laziness and lethargy, and ride the car .. And
this medium is as important as the primary means of these two remedies
are tasks in the fight against obesity and get rid of them .. There are some means, and other factors such as: - medicines. Chinese needles. - Electromagnetic waves. - Medicinal herbs. - Surgery. - Liposuction. - And the talk now is the use of sound waves. Prior
to this and that there is an important weapon to be used in this
battle, a weapon the strong determination, and sincerity, and the will
and determination, and not boredom or despair. Word (diet) means a system .. And (diet food): the system in the amount of food, food components in the system .. System in the number of calories .. System on the dates of meals .. System in the number of meals .. System in the way you eat. That any word (diet) is not its meaning (deprivation), as many people believe .. But the system
عدد المساهمات : 45060
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/08/2012
تاريخ الميلاد : 23/07/1997
المزاج : رايق
نقاط النشاط : 108100
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 27
مدير مميز

Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment Empty رد: Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment

03/07/13, 06:06 pm
موضوع في قمة الروعه يسلمو ع الطرح
الدولة العثمانية
الدولة العثمانية
عدد المساهمات : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2013
نقاط النشاط : 4122
السٌّمعَة : 0

Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment Empty رد: Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment

08/07/13, 11:40 am
  موضوع رااااااااااااائع
شكرا لك علي هذا الطرح المميز
عدد المساهمات : 852
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2013
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/03/1998
المزاج :  
نقاط النشاط : 5116
السٌّمعَة : 0
العمر : 26

Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment Empty رد: Obesity: Types - Causes - Problems - Treatment

23/07/13, 05:48 pm
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